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16.07.24 當前趨勢如何影響未來紐西蘭房屋市場




住宅建造成本下降: 2024年第二季度,標準三居室房屋的建造成本首次下降了1.1%。這一趨勢顯示出建造成本持續下降,將對房屋市場產生顯著影響。隨著成本下降,建築業的成本壓力減輕,可能促使更多新房屋的建設,進一步影響房屋供應和市場價格。


勞動力和材料成本趨於平穩: 建築行業的工作量減少,導致勞動力和材料成本增長放 緩。 平均小時工資的增長放緩和材料成本的平穩,使得建築成本逆轉。這意味著未來房屋建設的整體成本可能保持較低水平,進一步促進市場的穩定和發展


供應鏈問題和建築需求的解決: 2022年,由於疫情影響,供應鏈問題和建材需求的增加導致建築成本激增。如今,這些因素已經解決,材料供應恢復正常,建築許可減少,工作量減少,緩解了行業壓力。這種情況的改善將使未來的房屋市場更加穩定,並有助於防止成本再次大幅上升。



#ANZ Bank New Zealand#ASB Bank#

Bank of New Zealand (BNZ)#Westpac New Zealand#Kiwibank#TSB Bank#

Rabobank New Zealand#Heartland Bank#SBS Bank (Southland Building Society)#

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Vincent Huang Real Estate


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Sphere on Spiral Stairs

"Working with Vincent was an absolute pleasure. Your expertise and dedication made the entire process smooth and stress-free. We were impressed by how quickly you managed to sell our property and for a price that exceeded our expectations. Thank you for your outstanding service!"

Jane D

"I couldn’t have asked for a better real estate agent. Vincent were always available to answer my questions and provided invaluable advice throughout the selling process. Vincent's marketing strategies were top-notch, and it’s clear that your hard work paid off. I highly recommend your services to anyone looking to sell their home."

Tian W.

"From start to finish, your professionalism and attention to detail were evident. You kept me informed every step of the way, and your negotiation skills ensured that I got the best deal possible. I am incredibly grateful for your hard work and dedication. Thank you for making this a positive experience!"

Emily R.

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